Kingdom Equippers Ministries International

"And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached
in all the world as a witness to all the nations... "
Matthew 24:14
Kingdom Equippers Ministries International

"And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached
in all the world as a witness to all the nations... "
Matthew 24:14
Are You Looking to the Life of Job
or the Life of Jesus?

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Are You Looking to the Life of Job or the Life of Jesus?
- Sean Michaud

In this series, we will discover that we need to see the Word and life through the lense of Jesus and not the life of Job. For many, the book and life of Job is the default setting for their lives. This is because they can more easily relate to the despair of the life of Job rather than the victory demonstrated through the life of Jesus.

When life doesn't make sense, the temptation can be to try and make sense of what we see as failure and suffering in our lives by deferring to the life of Job and man-made interpretations concerning Paul's thorn in the flesh. It is often taught that this is just how God deals with us in the Christian life, but that is not the case.

During this series, we will discover what we have been redeemed from and what we have not been redeemed from, we will discover how we need to understand the Word through the life of Jesus in the Gospels, we will discover how our lives as new covenant believers are vastly different to what was available to Job and lastly we will receive a proper understanding of Paul's thorn in the flesh.

Be ready to be renewed in your thinking and receive the life that Jesus provided for you.
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